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Robert Redford: His Career Robert Redford is more than just an acclaimed actor. He’s a man with strong convictions who has devoted his life to the arts. After dropping out

The Watch: Part of a Chef Uniform When you picture chefs, you may not think of them as caring much about personal style. A chef’s uniform often consists of

Johnny Cash: The Musician Johnny Cash was a master of many genres—rock, blues, and gospel—but he’s most notable for his influence on country music. With his signature black duds

Ed Sullivan: A Host in the Making TV variety shows have come a long way since their beginnings in the 1940’s. However, when you think of variety shows, you

Willie Nelson: The Early Years Willie Nelson is now one of the most widely celebrated musicians of all time, but that wasn’t always the case. For years, his talents

Winston Churchill is best remembered for his service to the British people and Allied powers during the Second World War. But his colorful life in the military and

Bruce Springsteen is a rock legend and American music icon best known for lyrics that tell the story of simple, working-class Americans. Twenty Grammy Awards, two Golden Globe

In James Dean’s twenty-four short years on earth, he was able to make a lasting impact on Hollywood and American pop culture. Just as his career was starting

As we head closer and closer toward the end of 2017, award season is upon us. The big ceremonies are set to kick off with the 69th Emmys on

Diana, Princess of Wales, was one of the most beloved members of the royal family. Known as the “people’s princess,” her modesty resonated with the British people and

Paul Newman is no stranger to the watch world. In fact, he’s a bit of a legend. The Rolex Paul Newman Daytona is arguably the most coveted vintage

Lhamo Thondup was born to a Tibetan farming family on July 6, 1935. Little did his parents know that only two years later, he would be identified as the
